Thursday, 29 September 2011

Commencing Countdown, Engines On

With only a few days to go until we jump a ferry with a classic truck-full of essential trucs for the new property (it will be so good to get our UK house back by moving these essential things from every room . . . and I thought flat-packs were supposed to take up less space!), we’ve been seeing to a host of multitudinous last minute items. Hmmm, no matter how hard we work at the list, it always seems to have grown longer, not shorter at the end of every day!

I keep telling myself that this is normal and okay, so getting measured for a penguin suit for my niece’s wedding was actually off piste, gite wise, but was right on our programme’s critical path, as I’ll be spending almost all my time in France as from Monday and the wedding will be very much a joyous flying visit. 

I was reminded today that it’s now been a year since we first had our offer accepted for our new home and GHQ for the coming adventure. ‘Why on earth has it taken you so long?’ Well, we thought it sensible to sign the initial compromis subject to obtaining planning permission for the essential part of the renovation works we intend to carry out. Planning regulations bear comforting similarities to the English system and issues such as work to listed buildings, being in a conservation area, being in a national park, or within sight of a church for example, means a rainforest more of paperwork and months more time to get anywhere. Unfortunately we managed to tick every single one of these boxes and so a year later, hey presto, here we go  ;~)


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